How to grow faster as a small channel on YouTube ?

 This article explains to you how to grow as a small YouTube channel . if you want to grow faster on YouTube or want to get more views and go viral , you need to follow these tips and tricks .

this gonna make a lot of difference when it comes to creating YouTube videos , it will allow you to make better content , in order to get more subscribers and ultimately reach your goal of becoming a full-time YouTube creator or just get more sales for a business of your choosing . 

TIP 1 : Creating YouTube shorts content :

YouTube shorts are the new trend right now , so if you want to blow up on YouTube right now you need to start creating YouTube shorts , they have more placements than any other type of content on the platform , plus now they show up in search results , they have their own mobile feed , they show up after videos , on recommendations , they show up on the home page , they show up every where , in addition YouTube is pushing them like crazy , the fact is YouTube is trying to compete with platforms like TikTok , it is currently losing but YouTube is going to do every that it can do to win ,and beat Tik Tok at the short form content , that means that if you are creating  short form content , it will get pushed out , another reason why you need to create shorts is because you will get more views to your long-form content , from viewers coming from your short content , wich ultimately means you're going to get MORE MONEY from YouTube and get more exposure , and more subscribers , so what are you waiting for start creating shorts now .


The title is the most important part of any YouTube video , the title send a signal to the YouTube algorithm , whether or  not they should push out the created piece of content , and what the piece od content is about , obviously if nobody clicks on the video nobody's going to watch it , so Title is key , if it's a shorts video you need to hock people at the beginning , and the title is able to do that .
as a small YouTube creator you need to have a keyword in your title , for example if your video is about shrek , shrek needs to be on the title , what ever your video is about it better be on the title , that will make it easier for YouTube to know who to push the content to , because if it does not know who to push it to , the content will not be pushed at all , the content should not be about you , it should be all about the consumer , it should be all about your audience , and what they are interested in . YouTube will push out content that solve peoples problems , content that get's people outraged or excited about seeing something , so make sure to take that into consideration when you're coming up with your titles . try keeping your titles on YouTube under 55 characters long for the main part of the title , also make sure to add hashtags to your YouTube shorts , at the end of your titles . 

TIP 3 : Take from already successful people ( modeling your content after success)

If you're trying to post something that a lot of people already made a post about , instead of trying to be original ( that is good , but hear me out ) just take the title from the top 3 videos see which one suit you better and try to make it better by adding on to it , so rather than starting from scratch with your titles , looks for something that is already working from your competitors , and what is already working on your niche and do the same exact thing , and NO you are not copying or stealing , you are simply modeling your new content after something successful that is already there , but this alone does not guarantee you to viral on YouTube it will not allow you to blow up your small channel , that will come after you pay some attention to your audience retention ( oh look at that it rhymes ) , this is probably the most important thing that you need pay attention to , so once you have the right title , the type of content , the topic of the content , eventually it all comes down to your audience retention , for example if you're creating long video content , you need to make sure that you're getting up to 70% watch time in the first 60 second , that is the recipe for success for the rest of the video , what you need to understand is that the hook on YouTube videos is the most important thing , because if people just swipe away they are gone forever and ever , and YouTube will NOT suggest your content anymore and thus you have failed . 

TIP 4 : Make a script for your videos in advance 

You need to know where to add jokes , where you pause , where you hook people in and when you have some sort of transition sentence , where you add emotion , you need to be very intentional about doing everything , TOP YouTube creators pay attention to the details , so start scripting out your videos , it will make a lot of difference , the biggest YouTube creators use the same format in every video , so find one that suits you best and apply it on your future content it helps a lot , in addition try adding subtitles , constantly add in changes in the background it helps with audience retention , make sure you show your hands as you explain you content , it does help people stay on the video longer , it make it feel more personal .

That is all guys , hope this helps in any shape or form , until the next one take care .

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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