• Many people want to see you fail , Disappoint them .👿
  •  Whenever your in trouble find a place where you can be alone , rather than going to a place where fake friends are around you 💜😎.
  • be like a galaxy , shine bright 💫
  • beauty is the reflection of your attitude 😏💕
  • your face isn't the problem , the society your living in is full of Judgemental people 😐
  • live like a river , stay at peace .👅
  • be legendary than books 😇
  • only god can judge me 😛
  • living in a dream i can hardly wait 👀
  • waiting all the time for the hand of faith 👼
  • life goes on and on 😉
  • don't kill the vibe that makes you happy , kill the one that makes you unhappy 😈
  • maybe she's not a pretty girl , but she's classy 😃
  • I'll bring the laughs , you bring the sun , we're gonna have some fun 😔
  • No beauty shines brighter than true goodness 😃
  • The wind blew harder , and i got stronger 😀
  • beauty corresponds to your charming looks 😛
  • don't be afraid to do anything 👹
  • i don't play rock , paper , scissors , i have a gun 😱
  • I'm not a girl , I'm a storm with  skin💋
  • be water my friend 
  • clouds above me , trees around me and a wind in me 😉
  • the light in your heart , will always shine brighter 💕
  • you never lose by loving , you lose by holding back 💓
  • hoping that all your dreams will finally come true 💘
  • she believed she could , so she did 😄
  • autumn makes leaves fall , leaves came from trees , and trees is where nature seeks 🌳🌳
  • Galaxies are like life , it can be shiny and it can be bright 🌞🌟
  • happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light 😰😂
  • you are better than unicorns and sparkles combined 👿
  • she was chaos and beauty combined , a tornado of roses and divine 👫👧
  • so many assume , so many know , believe what you see , not always just what you hear 😵
  • Smell the sea , and feel the sky , let your soul and spirit fly 🙈🙌
  • i like ballons , they can float whenever they want , with no hesitation 💧💬
  • care about the situation , don't care about the caution, care about your motion, never use any potion 🌷
  • it's not about the beauty in you , it's all about the magic in you 
  • always remember you are unique just like everyone else 👐
  • when they say you can't do something , just smile it will drive them crazy 👺

  • The more you prepare the luckier you appear😀 
  • if you like me then raise your hand ,if you don't like me raise your standard 😋
  • the most dangerous person is the one who listen , think and observe 😑
  • i never dreamed about success , i worked for it 😔
  • learn when to be aggressive and when to be patient .😟
  • keep shining , because it makes your haters blind 😄
  • Before you judge me make sure you are PERFECT .👸
  • Attachments are only good for emails not for real life .😲
  • fear no one fight everyone .😓
  • don't let people know too much about you .😜
  • Dear future i am coming for you .😊
  • My attitude is always let it keep rolling 😡
  • never underestimate me because I'm more than you think 😬
  • if plan A didn't work , alphabet has 25 more letters .😍
  • i don't have an attitude , I've got a personality you can't handle .👹
  • Soft look , wild thoughts , makes you stronger .😧
  • your attitude can hurt me , but mine will kill you .😎
  • always wear your invisible crown .😶
  • my soul is happy , despite all the shit I've been true .😣
  • I'm the problem , i am the solution , i am the miracle .💔
  • our attitude towards others , determines their attitude towards us .😩
  • The only difference between a good day and a bad one is your attitude .😢
  • for success attitude is equally as important as ability .😵
  • people my not hear your words , but they fell your actions .😠

Best captions for boys :

  • what doesn't kill you makes you stronger❤
  • A great attitude is sexier than a hot body 👀 
  • As far as originals go , i am the most authentic .💆
  • Simple human , complicated mind .👦
  • I didn't change , I just found myself .👺
  • I'm the star that will make my own dreams come true .💀
  • My success ,is what I use to slap my enemies .😈
  • If your path demands you to walk through hell , walk as if you own the place .👊
  • There is no need to sit at the table , when you're on the menu ( whatever this means ) .💝
  • Kinda care , Kinda don't .👌
  • Only i can change my own life .😓
  • I can't stop being awesome , it is in my blood .💃
  • It's the will , Not the skill .😃
  • Next stop , The Top! 👆
  • Too lit to QUIT .😉
  • How could there be any competition when there's no one who can be me ? 😝
  • Do you want to know the reason behind my smile ? it's me . ☺
  • Impossible is not in my dictionary .👲
  • I'm sorry if you don't understand my level of thinking .💣
  • I don't compare myself with others , I know I am the best in my own way .😊
  • You Know where people who gossip about me behind my back belong ? Behind my back .😆
  • Be the art that no one Understands . 😊
  • Judge me and I'll prove you wrong.😠
  • Good is not good enough , I deserve more and that's greatness . 😡
  • I'm making yesterday jealous by making today awesome ! 😐
  • Pick a good attitude and everything shall fall into place .😎
  • If you can't convince them , confuse them .
  • My success is my revenge to my enemies .😢
  • Treat me well and I'll double the favor . 😛
  • I can soar the greatest heights all because i have the courage to fly . 👈👉
  • this is a personality you can't handle .👻
  • No explanation needed , I know I'm right .😑
  • Follow me if you fancy being second . 👵
  • Always hungry for success.👿
  • They said i couldn't , so I did .✊

Best captions for girls :

  • Be your own kind of beautiful😍
  • The way you made me feel, I love that feeling.💔💓
  • You are an idiot , but you are my idiot .😄
  • A smiling girl is the CEO of her own world .💓💓
  • No beauty shines brighter , than that of a good heat .💝💝
  • I think beautiful is like you , take care of yourself .😘😘
  • Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy .😉
  • Life is too short to wear boring clothes .👿👿
  • Strong women conquer the world . 👊👊
  • No matter how you feel get up , Dress up , Show up and never give Up .🙈🙈
  • I am not fat, I'm just much easier to see ( you are fat )😥😥
  • Hotter than a middle eastern climate .😱😱
  • Sometimes you have to stand alone , just to make sure you still can .💔💔
  • Maybe I should learn not to get too attached .😟
  • My excuse is that I'm still young .😈
  • If you don't like my attitude quit talking to me .💃
  • Life is short, false , It's the longest thing you do .😟
  • Dear vegetarians ; if you're trying to save animals , then why are you eating their food ? 😶
  • It's hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember . 😪
  • I know , I'm always ,,,,,,, SPECIAL.😜
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing .

Here you go a list of Facebook / Instagram captions that you can use , some of them are good some are cringe to me at least , but you never know what people  might and might not like .✌

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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