trying to find a good video editing software that can both work on your laptop an fulfil your needs is not an easy task , today i'm gonna show you the best Top Five free Video editing software , and when i say free i do mean it , these are truly free , there are no Watermarks , there are no time limitations none of that , they are just entirely free ready to be used by you , plus they are also pretty good , when you compare them to paid video editing software , there is not so much deference , in many cases these are just as good , if not better . in fact so many successful Youtube channels use one of these free video editors to pull together all of there videos , enjoy .

1: WINDOWS 10 free video editor 

lets start with the first free video editor , and this is probably one that you already have if you are running Windows 10 ( god i hope not , it keeps crashing it's slow as hell 7 much better ) Windows 10 comes with a video editor , just go down to the search field on your taskbar , and simply type in video editor ,( many people don't know that Windows 10 comes with this feature) , and right up at the top as the best match ,you should see video editor , click on it it will drop you into the Windows 10 free video editor , the video editor is very difficult  to discover don't feel bad if you missed it , in the past it was within the photos app only recently Microsoft added video editor at the search field so it would pop up there , the video editor comes with your pc so you don't have to download any other software to edit videos , it is also extremely easy to use , you can drag and drop video files directly into the video editor , and use the storyboard to pull together your video , simply drag and drop your different clips down and your video will start to take shape, you also have access to all of the most common video editing tools , you can trim ,split , add text and planty more you can do , you also have access to background music you can insert music and even sync it to your video music beat , you can also insert custom audio , for example if you want to include a voice over , this video editor has a lot of awesome  functionality and it works extremely well .

  • downsides:
 you can not add any transitions between clips (that sucks) all you can do is a hard cut between two of your clips on the storyboard  , you also don't have any tracks let's say you want to do a picture in picture effect or you want to have one video play on top of another , you simply can not :/ . plus you won't be able to monetize with any of the tracks in the background music catalog if you upload it to Youtube , plus probably one of the biggest drawbacks is you won't be able to render your video in the top-quality level the best you can do is 1080p so if you have a camera that shoots at 4K , there is not much you can do unfortunately :/ . overall , the windows 10 free editor is a decent option which you can use to pull together some pretty nice videos .


Let's move on to number two and the best video editor , and that is the OpenShot video editor which you can download and install it at . it is free it's open source and you can install it on any platform , whether it is Windows , Mac , or Linux by simply clicking on the download button , once you finished installing it will drop you into the OpenShot video editor and , by looking at it it looks pretty simple but it has a lot more than what meets the eye , you can drag in video files and they show up under project files than you can simply drag and drop your different files into the timeline down below , there you have multiple tracks so you can layer different items on top of one another , if you pull in multiple items down onto the timeline below , this is a massive improvement over the windows 10 video editor , here you can actually insert transitions and there are many different transitions that you can choose from . beside transitions you can also insert different effects on top of your different media files , as you begin to lay down all of your different media files on the timeline down below , you can preview the video over the right-hand side , although it looks simple but it does have some advanced capabilities , you can right click on any one of your media files and go into properties there you can set different keyframes and change the values on the clip chosen .
  • downsides:
if you go up and let's say you want to insert a title , you can insert a standard title just fine and it works well but there is also an option for an animated title ( sounds fun ) , but if you select any one of them , you have to install another application called BLENDER which will allow you to use them ( blender is also free it is just a question of the extra work ) .


move on to the next free video app , this one is called Shotcut you can download this one at , Shortcut is free , it's open source and it works on all major platforms including Windows , Mac and linux , to download this simply click on the download button of the top of the page , once you finished installing Shortcut , you will be prompted to create a new project , just click on start and it will drop you in the main interface , and just like the other apps you can drag and drop your media files in , and also just like the others you can drag and drop them down onto the timeline below , than you can start pulling together your video . with shortcut , you can add any number of tracks ( i used this app on my low-end potato computer it does not run smoothly ) all you have to do is right click and add additional video tracks or additional audio tracks plus you can drop in additional items , as your video starts taking shape , you can preview what it looks like , unlike the Windows 10 free video editor Shotcut supports a massive catalog of transitions, you can simply come down to your track and drag one of the items and position it over the others and that will automatically insert a transition , if you click into properties , you can  choose from many different transitions similar to Openshot . Along with inserting transitions , you can also select one of your clips and click on filters and you can add a massive catalog of different filters to that clip , also depending on what you are working on , Shotcut have different views optimized to that task , for instance you have the editing view which shows you the timeline down below and preview , but you can also jump into an FX view , or maybe you want to do some color grading , simply jump into the color view , there is also an audio view and a player view if you just want to review what your video looks like . this is a very powerful video editor , enjoy it .
  • downsides:
Shotcut is a little bit more complicated than the first two video editors , so the learning curve is a little hard , so it really depends on how serious you are about video editing , if you really plan on creating some advanced videos , this is really a good choice .


This brings us to the 4th free video editor , this one is called Kdenlive . you can get it at the website  once you land on the homepage , to download it , you will see a link right there and this works on cross platform , so whether you have Windows , Mac or Linux , this is also an open-source video editor , so it is completely free to use , after unstaling it it will drop you into the main Kdenlive interface , it does look pretty similar to the previous few video editors that we have manchand , over on the left-hand side you can drag and drop different files into the editor , then drag them down below onto the timeline and there you get multiple tracks on your timeline , so you can place them on the same track or you could place them on separate tracks , one of the key differences you have two different ways you can view you video , on the left side you can view the clips so you can jump into a clip and you can preview that , and you also have a separate view on the right-side for your project , in terms of editing you have many different tools to edit your videos , in fact you have what's referred to as normal mode , there is an overwrite mode , so if you drag a clip down , it will overwrite the existing clip , or you could insert it , Kdenlive also have a wide variety of different editing tools that you can use , Similar to Shotcut , there are also views that are catered to what you are doing or the task at hand . if you wanna work on audio you could shift into a dedicated audio view , or maybe you want to focus on effects or you want to color grading your video , there are views that specialize in each one of those different tasks , back on the main view you can also add many different transitions , lets say you wanna add a wipe transition between clips , just click on compositions there you have a lot of different options , you can insert it between two clips and that will add a transition , you can also choose from many different effects that you can add on top of any one of your clips , Kdenlive helps you pull together some very impressive and advanced videos , 
  • downsides:
you have so many options and so many different controls , so the learning curve is little bit steeper .


now we move on to free editor number five , which is Davinci Resolve 17 , this one is used by so many Youtubers , it is a very impressive application in fact, many different TV studios or film studios use it to pull together their projects Davinci Resolve is a freemium product , you get most of the cores or foundational capabilities entirely for free , however if you want additional effects or tracking , it cost some money for those , but you can use the free version and you will be able to do all of the editing that you want to get done , you can download it from here , just like the others you can pull your different media clips and pull them down to the timeline , and than you can start organizing what your video looks like , you have a clip viewer on the left and a project viewer on the right , you can adjust all sorts of different settings related to the video , the audio and different effects or transitions that you chose to insert , one of the best things about Davinci resolve , you have many other applications that are all apart of it , you could load a view of all the different media files , you have a dedicated cutting view which makes it even easier and quicker to cut your different video clips , you have your standard editing view , also if you wan't to add any VFX , you have a Fusion page where you can add all the different effects and i have a node view where you can start pulling them together , you can also have access to colors , the color view in Davinvi Resolve is one of the best in the industry that  you can set color on your video , you also have access to something called Fairlight Audio and this is a super powerful tool that you can use to adjust the audio on your project , as you are pulling together your project , you can very quickly jump between the editing view and the VFX view using that clip . Davinci Resolve has some of the most advanced functionality . enjoy it 

That was a quick look at some of the best video editors you can use for free 😑

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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