There is no easy way to make money , successful people don't become that way overnight , most of the people you see as a glance- wealth , great career , purpose , is the result of hard work and hustle over time , to be honest always to make money involves exchange of value in return for money , so don't get lazy and start working ..


This is something I have  tried to do myself , unfortunately i have a potato for a laptop , so most good free video editing Software simply won't work , this is frustrating as hell because you can actually make a living by becoming a video editor for Youtube , it is not as crazy as it sound , it's pretty straightforward to learn how to learn videos yourself no need to pay anyone a single dollar , there are many great Youtube videos to teach you how to do it , within a weekend you can literally teach yourself how to do it , using Final cut , premiere , or Imovie or Davinci resolve , there are plenty of free video editing software out there , you can teach yourself how to edit videos completely from scratch , even if you have never done before . 
  • how to make money ?
Youtubers always need someone to edit their videos , i have seen a lot of Youtube channels asking for editor to help them edit there content , after you hit a certain number in Youtube let's say 20k subs , every Youtuber out there will benefit from having an extra editor to help them , Youtubers become desperate to find someone who can help them edit , I have a couple of Youtuber friends and they always complain about the amount of work needed to edit all the content . if someone is looking for a Video editor the best places  to search are FIVERR , UPWORK or PEOPLE PER HOUR , make sure you read the description properly , and try to be as professional as you can , if you don't want to wait for people to come to you ,you can just find a Youtuber that you like , download one of their videos and edit it as best as you can , than send that video with a brief message to them , like i said Most Youtubers are always on the market for a good video editor . overall you can make a decent amount of money don't this . i know i would if i could :( 


You can make money teaching people on the internet , don't underestimate yourself , there is always some stuff that you know that other people can benefit from , you can sign in to an online teaching agency and start teaching younger people for example Math , science , and other stuff , if your any good , personally i need a teacher because i suck at math , you can start teaching people online languages , for example if you speak french natively , you can become an online french teacher , you would be surprise how many people who are willing to pay for such services , you can charge them up to 40$ an hour , it is pretty easy to do all you need to have is the skill or something that you have learned over the years that someone else will fin valuable , and all you have to do is find people who are willing to pay for that skill , you can sign up for an online tutoring platforms such as UK TUTORS , this is very good way of teaching something that you know to people who are prepared to pay for whatever is you know , to be taught to them , you can also use a website called ITALKI , You can teach languages through this amazing website , people will pay you just to have a conversation with them over zoom  ( i know you love to talk so this is perfect for you ) , if you want to teach in ITALKI it usually between 4 to 8 dollars an hour , but you can always up your prices over time if you're any good , it is pretty simple but not easy like everything else you need to have the skill , and be able to market yourself to get people to notice you and pay for that skill , and you need to actually be good at teaching whatever the thing you're teaching is . YOU DON'T need a formal teaching qualification , you just need to be good at explaining whatever is the thing you intend to teach .


How to become a website designer ? you might ask , well these days it's not that hard of a thing to do , it is not as hard as it was a few years a go , when you had to learn HTML and CSS and all that crazy stuff , now days there are many no code ways to build a website such as , SQUARESPACE and WIX , plus it is really easy to learn Wordpress ( boo cause I'm using blogger ) , you can download Wordpress themes for free and than customize them for free , I have a friend who does this and his making a decent amount of money selling his designed websites , it take time but it is definitely worth it , you can always watch Youtube tutorials on how to customize a wordpress theme , in a short time let's say a week you can learn how to make a website and how to make it look good , try to specialize on building websites for a certain targeted people , once you've built a website once , you've got the themes you know how to do it , it's actually not that hard building the same genre of website again , all you need to do is change the fronts the colors and the vibe , just to make it look a little bit different but the underlying structure is always the same  and " voila " just like that you're making money , the thing is it is kind hard to get your first client , you have to put yourself out there and hope for the best , but if you're good at what your doing it become easier so try to work on your skills don't rush things , you can charge 50 TO 100 dollars per website , by selling website templates . in order to make money you need to provide something useful . 


Most businesses are run by people over the age of 30 , and all of them needs some kind of social media presence , and as you know now days social media is everything , as a young man or woman by default you have a bit of background in social media , cause that's what you're using every day so way not make it profitable , plus you can always learn more by just watching a bunch of Youtube videos and reading a ton of blog posts , like this one , you can advertise your services as a social media consultant by going to businesses in your local area or anywhere in the world , who don't have great social media presence and offer them your consulting services , you can charge up to 300 a month by just given one phone call every month or one zoom call where you analyze there social media presence and give them tips on what they can do , the thing is you need to give them genuinely valuable advices about growing their social media presence , in order to do that you need to have a skill that you have  learned and improved over the years , so you can be able to sell it to people willing to pay for it , and if you're good enough you might end up managing their social media accounts and that's where the real money is , you can charge up to 2000 dollars a month for such services , this is pretty easy to do you already have a back ground in social media all you need to do is to keep up with the latest trends and you will be making your first 100 dollars in no time , go out there find a business , they always need social media presence and do what you need to do .


Notion is an app that has grown so fast , so many businesses need to have there business processes like streamlined and operationalized , and need to have there stuff converted into standard operating procedures , especially if they're small businesses ( like i said all you need is the desire and everything will come with time trust in yourself your skills and go for it )  the NOTION APP is absolutely amazing for building internal WIKI and internal processes and internal standard operating procedures and other stuff , all you have to do is learn how to use the Notion App and a little bit about how businesses work in terms of SOPS and structures and org chart deign and much more , again everything sounds hard and sophisticated but it is really not , put in the work be patient and you will be rewarded for you time , start by advertising your services as a notion business consultant to your local businesses all you have to do is turn things into notion pages by taking the things that they are already doing , no need to give them specific advice for their specific niche or industry , you can offer your services on UPWORK notion consulting is now a thing and you can charge people around 30 to 70 dollars an hour for notion consulting , IT IS NOT that hard to be a notion consulter all you have to do is watch a bunch of Youtube videos , and sharping your skills around a week or so and you will become better at using notion than a lot of people using the app( people are lazy , the only difference between you and , a successful person is that he is willing to put in the hard work and you just sit there doing nothing ) .try building a portfolio and then as you go to more businesses you can charge more and the more because you have a reputation and the skill the back your claims . it all depends on how much time you're willing to put in . 

All that said you can always become a social media whore , if you have no self respect no self-esteem no confidence in your worth , go for it that is where the real money is . 

hope this helped in any shape or form , and like I said it , all depends on the effort you're willing to put in .

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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