why you have zero views on TikTok ? Top five reasons this happens ? and how to solve it after uploading ?


Honestly, we have all seen some terribly poor quality content go viral , millions of views , while content with great sound good lighting gets zero views , some people believe that social media platforms chooses which creator want to succeed sometimes content is secondary , I personally think that BS , for me it's all about luck , i have seen TikTok videos of a brick literally get millions of views  A" BRICK " . some people found out that the algorithm will scan the video for guns and other unwanted stuff , it will hold the video for a couple  hours , then ban it , try blurring the gun out and repost , that will solve the problem . so why do tiktok videos stuck at zero views ?, whether you've just created a new count or  you already have one , you post a video and hours later nothing happens , it's not taking off , it just sits there with a big fat zero , don't worry this is a common situation it's not only you , so why videos are often stagnant at zero views ? let's begin .

why my videos sit at zero views ? :


This is new system Tiktok implemented a few years ago , late 2020 it works as a safety measure that Tiktok implements to scan the videos , that a new user ( like you and me ) posts , or videos of creators that have continuously violated the community guidelines of Tiktok more than once , whatever that is , so if you just created a new account , starting from scratch and you started posting it's not expected , that your videos will immediately take off , so don't overthink it , it is just a tiktok standard procedure , some videos will sit a zero views anywhere between 6 to often 24 HOURS , while tiktok is looking at them scanning and analyzing , making sure it's appropriate content ( again whatever that means , half naked girls shaking , and my videos are not appropriate OKAY TikTok )  , before it goes viral to the masses , this review process is allover the place if I'm being honest , it is so random at times , and there is no direct reason why certain profiles are selected to be reviewed and others are not , this will not impact your account in any negative way , you have just done something that goes against Tiktok guidelines and there just been a little bit more scrupulous with you as a new creator , it's a shame that tiktok doesn't straight up TELL you it's under review and why , that would have been helpful .


Like a said in the begining , i have seen tikrok videos of a brick get millions of views , however things like the story , the message , the personality , the values often do transcend the quality of the content you intend to post , in addition what particular device you choose to film with , whether it was mobile , dslr mirrorless camera , that does help a lot , plus the fact of how your content looks , how it is lighted and how it appeals to others , in fact tIKtok did put different resources on their website , talking about proper lighting techniques for photos & videosthat you want to upload to the platform , this is quit similar to the review process , Tiktok AI is constantly analyzing , scraping the visual the audio of your content in an attempt to find anything that could potentially be objectionable , for example if the video is blurry , fuzzy , a little bit cloudy and you can't easily determine a clear subject , it's just all over the place , tiktok will notice and choose not to distribute that video to viewers . and you will be stuck with a useless videos with zero views . 


You post a video and it's already out there across multiple profiles , the platform trying to make a transition to prioritize more original content created especially for the tiktok platform , videos are limited to one profile you can't duplicate them across multiple accounts , if you take a video from one profile and re-upload it to another , will get little to NO traction at all , because it is clearly repurposed content , one thing i do want to clarify , if you choose to repost content on the same profile , that is totally acceptable , it is an allowed feature on tiktok , but in order to keep your feed interesting and varied tiktok recommend you not to duplicate content . and i quote  " we also don't recommend duplicated content , content you've already seen before , or any content that's considered spam " so avoid recycling and repeating and try to be original ( between you and me , no one is ) .


One of the major systems that tiktok have in place is something known as DID BAN for devices , this one is for people who have blatantly and constantly , violated tick tock community guidelines over and over , with no intention on stopping or tuning it down , or for people who had two accounts banned , in a close period of time , A did ban is when your device is permanently limited and filtered from ever uploading content on the platform , it does not matter how many new accounts you create it will NOT fix the problem , but don't worry this one is very very rare to happen , in fact there not many DID ban accounts out there . 


This one mainly applies to people with meme channels , or any sort of compilation based account on the platform , these people re-uploading content that you got from other sources on the internet , such as YouTube , this is something tiktok as a platform has become more scrupulous towards , tiktok has limited what you are able to repurpose , it is not like Instagram unfortunately , this is a very difficult process in general , unless your channel is verified than you can do this no problem ,  because it's your own content , never just straight take content from another social media platform , always try to add your own touch , re-edit it , add a voiceover , change the music , add filters , put some text or graphics overlaying the video , do something  ..... .

here you go Five reasons why your videos have zero views on tiktock , hope this helped in any shape or form , take care .

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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