How to get Instagram followers fast in 2023

 How to get more Instagram followers fast in 2023 

The reason that you're not getting the followers that you want on Instagram , is not because your organic reach on Instagram has gone away , It's quite the opposite , if fact i see more and more of the platform creators getting more followers , than they could ever imagined , for one simple reason they are actually making the adaptations to the NEW things , that you need to be using on Instagram , the thing is there are new features that you need to be using , there are new links that you need to be posting , there are even new post that you need to be doing , so in this article I'll be sharing with you all of those things , make sure to read every part , because if you skip any of it it's might and will be the reason that you fail to grow on Instagram right now . 

If you want to grow quicker on Instagram , Tiktok or YouTube there additional article that you might be interested in .

TIP 1 : You need to start posting Remixes 

The fact is Instagram is pushing Remixes like crazy , especially if you have under 150000 followers , if you have under that number , remixes is probably the easiest way for you to get a lot of views , all you have to do is find something that you disagree with that you agree with , that you want to critique , things that are either within your Niche or it could just be outside of your Nice and what you're going to do is do a Remix to that , you can do two different types of remixes :
  • one that  looks like a duet that you would see someone on TikTok doing .
  • the other one looks like what a green screen would look like on TikTok .
so make sure that you're doing this either agreeing whit disputing with or critiquing people that are within your niche , so what are you waiting for do this and don't miss out on one of the post types that Instagram is pushing out like crazy , but just doing this is not enough , because Instagram just released a major algorithm update , that allows it to push photos as much as it pushes reels , what this means for you is it doesn't mean that you need to just post photos , and it does not mean that you should only post reels , it means that you should be posting both , but you need to make sure that you're doing it in a provocative manner , You can't just post a regular photo on Instagram and expect it to do well, it needs to be one of two things , so if it's a single post alone it need to be something provocative , and if it's a carousel it needs to have three to five slides and you need to optimize for people swiping all the way to the end , how to do that ? by baiting them in the begining , given them something really good and then on the second slide give them a reason to get to the end of the carousels , this will increase the amount of people that swipe all the way through , and it will increase the amount of reach that you're getting , and it will also increase the amount of non-followers that you're reaching  on Instagram , this trick won't last for ever so you need to make sure that you're taking advantage of this right now , because if not you're going to miss out on this great opportunity to grow on social media .
So when it come to content that you're putting out on Instagram right now , I can only recommend 50% of the content to actually be new content , the other 50% should be one of two things . 

TIP 2 : Reposting posts that did well 

Yes you can repost something that did well on your account before , so literally leave the old post up and download the old post without the watermark and repost , now you can't do this back to back , and i won't recommend you to repost the same video or Carousel or the same photo more than four times , but other than that go ahead and start reposting . 

TIP 3 : Recreate posts that did well 

Go back through your account see what kind of post are reaching none followers and speak on those topics again but make sure that it's the same length , make sure it has a pretty similar hook , and make sure that you add a call to action this time , because if you're not adding a call to action into your content it's one of the reasons that you're not getting followers right now .

TIP 4 : Mixing memes into your content 

You don't have to have to just upload the meme , instead you need to have a hook and then have a meme , or you need to have the meme and then you need to have you reacting to it , this type of content is going like crazy and it's a wave that you need to be hopping on , because if you're not taking advantage of this , then you're not tapping into what the audience actually want to see .

That is all guys , how to get more followers on Instagram in 2023 , i tried to keep it short and simple , hope this helps in any shape or form , until next time and don't forget to follow the page for more of this content , take care 

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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