Get 10K followers on instagram in 7 DAYS ( step by step guide 2023).

In this article I'm going to be giving you this four step guide , in order to gain 10k followers on Instagram by the end of the week , as a small creator you tend to not know what to do , you don't know how many times to post , what time to post , what hashtags to use , even what kind of content to create ,all of this I'll be sharing it with you in this article , so make sure to read it all . 

TIP 1 : Putting out the correct content 

I cannot emphasize this enough , the only Two piece of content you should be putting out are reels and stories , so if you're not putting out reels then you're not going to be growing on Instagram yes it's that simple , the days of just posting photos , posting regular videos or just posting every once in a while on the platform and expecting to grow , those days are over , gone . 
If you look at any small account on Instagram that is growing fast right now , you will notice that they have posted a lot of reels , and that is why they have been successful and all you have to do i the exact same thing .
What you need to understand is that Instagram is focused on competing with Tik ToK , which has short form content , that means that shorts form content is what's working on Instagram right now , the fact is videos that are 5-11 seconds long are going viral on Instagram more than anything else , so by making 40 second videos 60 seconds videos you are making a hugh mistake , start making shorter content on Instagram reels that will help you a lot .

TIP 2 : Choosing the right topics in your niche 

The easiest way to find this is by going to the top hashtags in your niche and look at the small creators in there that are blowing up, getting 50k views 100K views , see what are they doing in those videos and either repost those videos or recreate them , and if those work you need to make sure that you're DOUBLIND DOWN , This is a massive mistake that so many people are doing in Instagram , something works and they do not continue to do it , instead something works and they do something completely different ( idiots) , don't do that , that is the number one mistake that is holding you back on Instagram , If you been putting out reels I'm pretty sure that some of them did at least above average , maybe one or two of them got more views than you could ever imagined , and you haven't recreated those videos , if it was about a certain topic , you didn't use that topic again , if you used a certain sound in there you didn't use that sound again , if you did something different with the description or with your hashtag strategy , you did something completely different next time you're posting and that's why you're not being successful . once a topic works on Instagram you need to do it over and over again while trying to give it a different take . 

TIP 3 : Follow back everyone who engages 

If you're new on Instagram , if you're just getting started you need to make sure that you're following back every single person that follows you , every single person that likes your stuff , everyone that comments , you need to try and actually build a community , you need to make people feel like you actually given back to them , you just don't take , take and take try given back , be there respond to everybody , you should be making people say " I want to follow this guy " because he's really trying so hard to build a community and entertain . 

TIP 4 : Respond to comments with videos 

Put that as a topic , if you get the same comment every single time , over and over again the same question over and over , you should be making posts about  that , after you know what topic you want to choose you need to make sure to add the right features to your videos .
  • You need to be adding trending sounds 
  • You need to be adding a long description 

Here you go some of the best tips I can provide for you to gain thousends of followers on Instagram in no time , hope this helps in any shape or form , until next time take care 😘.

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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