7 Best Affiliate Networks to make money in 2023

 In this article I'll be covering the best Affiliate Networks in order to make money in 2023 , and help you grown your affiliate marketing business and make a lot of passive income , let's go 

7 Best Affiliate Networks to make money in 2023 

7: ShareASale 

This Affiliate network is quite popular because it's simply the best all-around affiliate network for beginners , so while they do have some digital Partnerships , a good amount of this is physical products , so you can actually build out  a fairly large online store with real tangible products in just about any niche ( sounds great right !) now what i like about them is that you have access to over 45K different Merchants to choose from , that means it's virtually impossible to not find something in your category that you can sell from your website , in addition some of the biggest brands on the site are things like ZEN business Reebok , MINTED , bodybuilding.com , and Shein ,
finding products to promote is fairly easy , all you do is search and you'll likely find something in your niche , for example you could search something like camping and hiking and you will get around 2400 products in that category alone , the commission rates are going to vary depending on the Merchants , but don't worry you'll find anywhere from 1% to 20% commission per sale or higher .

6: Amazon Associates 

This one is great because it is accessible to nearly everyone so Amazon is one of the most popular affiliate Networks because you can find almost anything you want on their site , technically it's its own affiliate program it's not a network , it's also one of the most popular apps people use to shop daily with over 98 million users every month and 150 million prime subscribers , so when you join amazon's affiliate program you earn a commission on just about anything that's sold on amazon , what's even better is you can earn a commission on every new product ,that you refer a customer to within a 24H duration period also known as cookie , a cookie is a piece of tracking data on a website used to monitor it's user behavior and a cookie is associated with an IP Address that help you track the activity of somebody online . 
the downfall of amazon is that you get this cookie and it only last sometimes on their browser over 24h , so if no body purchases within that time frame , then you don't get credit for the sale . 

5: Flex Offers 

I love this one because they assign every publisher a dedicated account manager , which is pretty cool because it can help you make recommendations and tell you what affiliate programs to join based on your niche, they also been around for about 15 years so you don't have to worry about them going out of business anytime soon , they've got over 12000 Merchants with both digital and physical products across a bunch of different niches and the minimum payout is 50$ , which is nice because you don't have to wait too long to get your first check ,
some of the top brands on here are Netflix , Superdry , Marshalls , Ulta , the body shop and Sierra . the cookie duration and commission will vary depending on the particular Merchant you sign up with .

4: CJ ( Commission Junction)

It's one of the oldest networks and one of the most popular , so they're very similar to share A sale in that they have thousands of Merchants to choose from , so in :order to get started all you have to do is sign up for a publisher account then go through your dashboard and you can apply to individual affiliate programs inside of there , so while their user interface is definitely outdated and old somewhat difficult to use , they do have partnerships with some large brands like : Zappos , Wayfair , Walgreens , VRBO , Overstock , office depot , Nike .

3: ClickBank 

It's one of the oldest affiliate networks , it started in 1998 and they offer mostly digital products , like eBooks online courses and membership sites so the company rose to popularity in the early 2000s when people really got into selling info products online , so any type of information that can be monetized is likely on clickBank anything from dog training to weight loss supplements , to workout programs and much more , now most people like ClickBank because of the high commissions on info products and the easy checkout experience .

2: Partner Stack 

if you think of the best affiliate marketing platform you can imagine purely built for software , THIS is it , so all the software affiliate programs you can promote this is there convenient place , you can find a lot of opportunities on here to earn commissions from 20% to 30% 40% or even 50% monthly recurring commissions , for as long as the person who purchases the software continues to use it , what i also  love about partner stack is the affiliate dashboard because it's super easy to use , you can easily track how many sales , you're getting , where the sales are coming from and the total commissions you make every month , you click one button it withdraws the money it's easy to use .

1: Impact.com

I highly recommend this one , Impact also acts like a partnership Network , which means that big brands can join to gain access to affiliate and publishers , so impact is unique that you can work directly with brands to set custom contracts , link tracking and custom commission structures , so a lot of popular companies you have seen are on this Network , like Shopify , teachable , Vistaprint , Hello Fresh ,and cypto.com, impact is also loved because it's a nice dashboard it's easy to understand , there's good analytics tools and it makes it easy to track your campaigns .

keep in mind you can join as many as you want and you should because you want some diversity in case a network cuts a partnership with a company or an affiliate program you're using suddenly slashes their commissions rates , so diversification is KEY .

that is all guys hope this helps in any shape or form until next time take care .

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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