How to get your First 1000 Twitter followers fast 2023 ?

 In this article I'll be showing you how to get your first 1000 Twitter followers fast 2023 , especially if you enjoy writing I think Twitter is one of the best , if not the best place to build an audience in order to grow your business on social media in 2023 and beyond , so like I said I'll be showing you the exact steps that i took go from 0 to a 1000+ followers in just 45 DAYS  and how you can do it too , I'll be addressing six steps to grow on Twitter , so let's go .


People usually want to follow interesting people , so how to be interesting? you might ask ? WELL do interesting things , for exemple maybe you're working on developing a new skill or maybe there's a hobby that you  really enjoy , or you're building a business , and maybe you want to share your journey document it , those are all things that are interesting to others , so as long as there is some other group of people that's interested in something that you're working on which you gonna make it the case , you can build a Twitter audience and grow your audience by just sharing content and sharing your journey on what you're working on .


Your content pillars are everything that you tweet about , all of your content is gonna fall in one of these pillars , now how you pick your content pillars ? you might ask , well it's an overlap between something that you're good at or something that you're working on , and something that a group of people or your audience wants to hear about , that is why step number 1 is so important , by being interesting and doing interesting things , because that is going to give you ammunition for your content pillars and what to talk about there , anything that want to tweet about and create content around , so mu three main content pillars are :
  • Email Marketing
  • Info Products 
  • Online business 
so everything that I tweet about falls into one of these three buckets , something else worth  thinking about is the overlap between something that you're good at and something that other people want to learn more about and make those your three main content pillars .


What is a twitter profile funnel ? you might also ask ( all you do is ask xd) it is basically taking someone who have no idea who you are , they are just fining your Twitter account to becoming someone who want to follow , and listen to you every move , for exemple I have a BIO that talks about who I'm and what I do , so when someone clicks over , they see that bio , they get interested in learning more , they click over or they scroll down the pin to tweet and that shows them a little more in depth of what you do and how can you help them and from there , they give you a follow and they start to see your tweets , and from there they might even buy one of your products or services  if you're selling any , so that's a Twitter profile funnel , someone you might just be scrolling through a feed , they might come across your profile and all of a sudden within a few actions a few clicks they be come interested in following you and listening to everything that you have to say .


This goes for any social media platform , you need to have a consistent schedule , and you need to stick to it , for example me , I post four times a day at the same exact time every day , 5AM 6AM 8AM 5PM , now sometime i do go over that and post more , but at the bare minimum i have at least those four tweets and time blocks booked out every day , try using a tool called HYPEFURY it's a tool that will help you schedule out your tweets so that you never find yourself scrambling in the morning to type something up and put it into Twitter , so make sure to have  at least three to four days to a week scheduled out using that tool , it will help  you stay consistent , so if you're struggling with consistency and struggling with figuring out what to write I highly recommend this tool , and schedule out a few days so you don't have to think about it every single day .


This will really help you a lot , find accounts that had 10K 20K followers that you want to build a connection with and find a way to be valuable and engage with them ; so how can you engage with these bigger accounts ? you might ask , well you can like there posts , that's a start , you can make a list of these accounts that you want to build a connection with and you can start liking their posts every day , you can also comment thoughtfully , and that mean don't just write "good tweet " bring something new to the conversation a new insight a new way of thinking , some kind of value to the thread or whatever you're commenting , for the love of god do something , try retweeting there tweets onto your own profile , another way  is to reach out through DMS and find a way that you can be valuable to them that you can help them out . so that's who you engage with these account , you start out by liking commenting and retweeting and then as you start to do that you can reach out to the DMS don't ask for anything just find a way to be valuable to them . 


An idea factory is a way where you consume information , you're watching videos , podcasts you're reading books , and you're taking all of this information and you're using it to give you ideas for your own content , so how you do that is you need to create some kind of capture area , you can use a tool called NOTION and capture all of your ideas from everything that you might read or listen to , and that will  give ideas for creating content around , so for example you'll read a book you'll see an insite that really resonates with you , than you put it into this idea factory notepad , and you will use that to create four , five , ten different tweets , and you can do that every single day .
creation is Important but so is consumption , because by consuming things and learning new things , that how you are going to get ideas , and that is what this idea factory is , is having  a way to capture all the information you're consuming and turn that into ideas for 
your content and in this case for your tweets .

That is all guys , hope this helps in any shape or form until next time take care . 

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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