How to use Chat GPT 4 for beginners ( Chat GPT Tutorial ) ?

 What's new about Chat GPT 4 ? 

As you might know OpenAI just released Chat GPT-4 , and the things you can do with this chat bot , are simply amazing , so in this article I'll be breaking down , the new thing about chat gpt4 , and we will go through a full tutorial on how to use it , and how you can eventualy make money with it , by creating content , some of the new additions to the new tool are what's called a Multimodal input and output , this means that you and chat GPT can talk to each other ( ok ) not only by text but also images , for exemple take a randem picture of some grosories and chat GPT 4 will let you know what to actually make with it , in addition another big improvement is that it became more accurate , if you ask chat GPT 3 to solve a basic math problem ; it will ofen be very , very wrong ( kind like me ) , but chat gpt 4 has made some major improvements to it's accuracy , one of the major improvements is it's working memory , chat GPT 3 was limited to about 8000 words , so it woud ofen get confused and lose track of the conversation if it went too long , but GPT 4 has memory of about 64000 words, which means that you could write enough to create short book ,and it will still make sense from start to finish . 

What can chat GPT 4 do ? 

One thing you got to realize is that AI is moving faster than ever ( scary ) so Chat GPT 4 is just the beginning , it's just another update , another iteration and these tools are getting smarter and smarter , although Chat GPT 4 is only as smart as what you actually give it , so let's see what can chat GPT 4 actually do ?
the first thing is to know how to use it , so you go to which is the owner company , go to try it on Chat GPT plus , it does require a membership 20$ a month , when you select that you can do chat gpt 3.5 legacy 3.5 and than GPT-4 you will notice that it has a much stronger reasoning and much better conciseness than 3.5 but it's not as fast it's a little bit slower , you can go to the main prompt bar and start a new chat , all you have to do is add your prompts into the bottom bar and just go from there , now it's kind of restricted to how many prompt you can do per day , or per three hour window , the thing is it will tell you at the bottom if there is a limited number of prompts that you can do . 
  • Answer basic questions ( similar to a search engine )
chat GPT 4 gives you some good background information too , so it's almost more powerful than a search engine for a certain type of questions , so you don't have to go to a blog post to find out more ( please go ) .
  • Creative idea generation 
so besides basic answers to questions and random stuff CHAT GPT 4 can also have creative idea generation , so if you want to come up with some creative ideas , new ideas all you have to do is add prompts that way .for exemple an idea for a novel about whatever subject you want .it will all be unique costume ideas .
  • various writing needs ( emails , essays , tweets , books ....)
any type of writing Chat GPT 4 can do , all you have to do is ask for the specific type of writing you want , and there you have it in no time , GPT 4 is so much more accurate and smart and it can come up with much better information .
  • Summarization of complex concepts 
Chat GPT 4 can summarize complex concepts in an easy to understand way , it does not matter how complex the subject seems to be chat GPT 4 will make it easier to understand . 
  • step-by-step guidelines 
for example you want to make a home made pizza , all you have to do is ask , and it will give you the information you need step by step .
  • complex problem solving . 
you take a complex article put it's link into chat GPT 4 and ask it to summarize it , if you are not satisfied you can than ask it to explain it even more and it will do it . 
  • website code 
one thing that chat GPT 4 can do better than 3.5 is actually creating it's own website code , chat GPT 4 can do it all including four main files a Json file HTML CSS and JavaScripts . than it will show you exactly what to do adding icon files to folders and other stuff , chat GPT 4 is a lot smarter than it previous one . 

How to make money with Chat GPT 4 ?

the first step is :
  • find profitable keyword ideas 
when i talk about keyword research I'm talking about affiliate marketing , what you can create content around that will actually make you some money , chat GPT can actually be helpful and useful when it comes to SEO blogging , creating content basically anything in the writing world . 
the best SEO  tool to conduct proper keyword research .
  • Come up with SEO article ideas based on the keyword 
After validating the keyword in AHREFS , you need to come up with some article title ideas based on that specific keyword , and guess what you can use CHAT GPT 4 to do that , go there put in create five article titles for blog post based on the keyword .
  • Outline an SEO article based on the title and keyword 
go to chat GPT, write in create an outline for an article with the given title based on that keyword and include the DJI DJI Mini 3 pro number 1 in the list . 
  • have chat GPT 4 write the article 
chat GPT will write all of the features and overview plus all the pros and cons , but you can't just take the article as it is you need to make some changes in order for it to be SEO optimized and give it an actual chance of ranking online .

here you go I tried to make it simple and short , hope this helped in any shape or form , until next time take care ,

Lone wolf

Hello there! My name is Hamza and I am a blogger, technology and gamer enthusiast from Morocco. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the way technology works and how it has the ability to transform our world. This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a career in blogging and also fueled my passion for gaming. I spend most of my free time tinkering with the latest gadgets, testing out new software, and exploring the vast world of video games. As a blogger, I love to share my knowledge and insights with others who share my passion for technology and gaming. I write about the latest tech trends, gaming reviews, and provide tips and tricks to help people get the most out of their devices. I believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place, and my goal as a blogger is to inspire and educate others to use technology in a way that enhances their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, and I hope you find my blog informative and entertaining.

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